Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce


BobPictureFeb10aRight about now you’re probably starting to take stock of 2015 and asking yourself the questions that will help bring success in the New Year. Here’s something to consider, according to Bob Liebhauser, successful business mentor and ActionCOACH franchisee, “We have about 4,000 weeks in our life. So the first question to ask is how many do you have left and what do you want it to look like?”

Framing our timetable in such specific terms might seem overwhelming. However, with the right plan and a clear vision, these questions can lead to clarity which is incredibly powerful. Says Liebhauser, “Life is all about questions. What is your vision for your life? Your business vision? Are you learning? What is your Personal Development Plan?” He goes on to explain that one of the reasons business owners fail is because, while great technicians, they never learn to be a business person. They don’t learn how to set goals, plan, manage, and lead. We all think it comes inherently but it doesn’t.

One place to start is to look around your life. Are you living the way want to? If you could design the perfect day what would you be doing and where would you be doing it? “You have no choice but to get real with yourself,” laughs Liebhauser. “Where are you today? Where do you want to be in 5 or 10 years?” Once this is established, Liebhauser suggests enrolling in workshops and seminars, reading books on your industry, learning new skills, and committing to your destination.

Liebhauser uses traveling from Denver to Boston as an example. He explains, “It’s said that people spend more time planning their vacation then how to run their business. Bottom line? Once you know where you’re going you can put a plan in motion to get there.” What about roadblocks? “Roadblocks are opportunities to stop, assess, and then decide on a course of action based on real data. You’re not going to turn around and head back to Denver, it’s Boston or bust!”

As a Chamber Ambassador, Liebhauser has long been a supporter of Glendale businesses and is active in the community.  A prolific runner and marathoner, Liebhauser uses some of the same concepts that make him tough to beat on the track to inspire his clients and help them reach both personal and professional goals. ActionCOACH has a national reputation as a leader in business coaching and help clients set goals and reach their dreams.

As 2o15 winds down, it may be the perfect time for you to take stock of your dreams with the support of a business mentor who can help put you on track and support your vision for success.

Contact Bob Liebhauser at for more details about how you can make 2016 the best year ever.


Some source material provided by The Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle


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