Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Jeff Johnston – Ascent Dental

As a young man, Dr. Jeff Johnston of Ascent Dental Group, spent many years in the dental chair dealing with an impacted tooth. Many surgeries and dental specialists later, he realized that his personal experience could help others when they enter the fear zone that so many people have when visiting the dentist. “We realize that fear of pain, financial concerns, and needles can keep people from consistently caring for their teeth,” says Dr. Johnston. “We’re here to discuss your fears, talk you through it, and most importantly preserve your original teeth.”

According to Dr. Johnston, dental technology is better than ever. “You only get one set of adult teeth and they are being put to use longer than ever, so proper dental care is vital.” At Ascent Dental Group they work with each individual to map out a long term plan to help keep teeth healthy and patients happy with the process. “Digital technology has definitely added a new dimension to modern dental care. For instance, I firmly believe in CAT scan technology and guided implant surgery. Dentists should always work with a digitally planned surgical guide. Misplaced implants can be very problematic down the road.”

This philosophy extends to same day crown technology which allows for one office visit, one time getting numb, and a decrease in contamination from wearing a temporary crown….a dental win-win. But it’s not all drills, implants, and digital x-rays. “The most effective dental treatments are done at home.” These include brushing, flossing, and nutrition.

The Ascent Dental Group website offers advice on brushing and flossing and is a great resource for patients beyond just setting appointments. “We want you to be informed, says Dr. Johnston. “The website is a convenient resource where you can follow the blog, book an appointment, ask a question, or link to Ascent Dental Group’s social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Finding ways to collaborate with patients is one of the many things that sets Ascent Dental Group apart. For instance with the Going Green Initiative. “We want to hear your ideas for going green, we care about the environment and we’re open to suggestions.” Great communication is what fans love about Ascent Dental Group. “Collaboration is key both with and for our clients.”

This level of collaboration goes hand in hand with Dr. Johnston’s involvement with the Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce. A long time Chamber Ambassador he strives to pay it forward with new members. “The exchange of ideas and accessibility to a business support team is great. Our Chamber After-Hours events have proven to be an awesome way to, not just get our message out but to build rapport with the business community and unity within the office.” He adds with a smile, “Plus it’s fun!”

If you need to book a dental appointment or just need an annual check-up and cleaning visit Ascent Dental Group online and book an initial appointment. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is and you are sure to walk out of there with a smile on your face. For more information visit them at

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