Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce

In Memoriam

— In Memoriam —

Bernice I. Bown, mother of Cham

ber Board member Barb Wyatt, passed away peacefully on Friday, April 22. Her two daughters were by her side as well as the family pastor who administered Last Rites. She had suffered a brain injury due to a fall seven months before.

Bernice was born in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, where she met and married her beloved husband, Jack. They were high school sweethearts. She received her bachelor’s degree from Marian College in 1956 and enjoyed many years as an elementary school teacher in Madison. In 1965, she returned to school and received her Master’s degree in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin, while raising three young children.

In 1970, Jack and Bernie decided it was time for a change. They purchased a company called Butler Rents and relocated the family to Denver, where Bernice worked alongside Jack building the business until his death in 2006. They were active in many philanthropies and created scholarships in their names at their college Alma Maters. The pair loved to travel and enjoyed seeing the world with one another and their family.

Bernice is survived by her three children; Ann Bown, Barbara Wyatt (husband Jim), and Christopher Bown, and three grandchildren: Veronica McLean, Jessica Wyatt, and Dalton Wyatt. Bernie maintained an active social life and could be frequently found enjoying the company of friends and family. She spent her time reading, gardening, attending sporting events, films and theatre and still enjoyed baking her favorite recipes for friends and family. She volunteered weekly at Schlessman Library and the Assistance League and continued to travel as often as possible.

Hers was a life well-lived and she will be missed by all who knew and loved her.

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation:

Bernice Hansen Bown Scholarship, Marian University of Wisconsin

45 S National Ave., Fond du Lac WI 54935-4699

For a donation, visit

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