Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce

Maurice Washington – Owner Executive Money

EM LogoIf you’re a small business owner you know how hard it is to keep track of trends both internally and externally that directly affect your success. Local businessman Maurice Washington knows exactly how you feel. After many years in management and territorial sales, he says “I discovered that issues in my business all came down to issues with myself.” Helping clients understand themselves and how they can improve operationally on a day-to-day basis is what Washington as owner of Executive Money does best.

Maurice Washington

According to Washington a good starting point is helping clients clarify the “why.” Why this business?Why now? Why you? From there Executive Money helps design a business plan, an operational strategy, and a brand identity so that small businesses can lay a solid  foundation which can help build consistency and stability.

Executive Money is on the cutting edge of creating business strategies and in some cases pointing out ways that clients need to improve or break bad habits. Sometimes a client ” has a few good months followed by several bad months but no idea why,” says Washington. This is where Executive Money steps in to identify good and bad habits, help business owners understand themselves and their operational To-do list and get to the nuts and bolts of what it takes to be successful. We help “create healthy habits that in turn create a healthy, thriving business. I bring the truth out.”

As a new member of the Greater Glendale Chamber, Washington is excited about the support and the networking opportunities. One way you can get to know how Executive Money can help you and your business it to tune into his weekly business forum. Hosted by his website, Executive Talk TV Show (every Tuesday at 3:00pm) can show you ways to improve performance and get in touch with ways to help your business grow.

Here is a link to a recent episode – Chaos in Time Management.

Chaos in Time Management

Visit the Executive Money website for more information and links to important business resources at

Some source material provided by The Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle

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