Glendale’s Health+Harmony Is Ready To Help You With The Stress In Your Life
Stress is one of the leading causes of many health issues. Meditation and stress reduction techniques can not only reduce stress but give us so much more. Health+ Harmony in Glendale is a business that can help with these daily stresses and life altering events.
Health+Harmony started in 2006 and moved to Glendale 2-1/2 years ago. It started as primarily physical therapy and body work. “What I began to notice in my own work and what I was seeing with my clients was that stress was playing a big part in their physical and emotional well-being,” said Lori Schlotzhauer, owner of Health+Harmony. “Stress can lead to disease and muscular skeletal issues.”
Using the services Health+Harmony has to offer is comparable to hiring a personal trainer. “I can customize w
here they are coming from,” said Schlotzhauer. “I can give them a meditation or breath work to do. By hiring someone like me as a coach, it gives them support, guidance, and accountability.”
The work that Health+Harmony does is one-on-one mentoring that can be done in person, over the phone, or virtually. Depending on the case, an ideal amount of time to meet is twice per month. She has the privilege to use her vast experience in medical and mindfulness/meditation training to help others. She sees each person with unique needs and treats them based on their needs.
This mentoring is based on science. “Part of the mindfulness I am trained in is based on science,” said Schlotzhauer. “Meditation and mindfulness are thousands of years old and science is catching up with it. Because Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), the technique that I have been trained in and use as a foundation for all of my work, is the most researched mindfulness program that exists, it is often considered the ‘gold standard’ of meditation, and has the potential to change lives.”
Schlotzhauer recently trained at the University of California San Diego’s School of Mindfulness and takes pride in her 13 years of education in this field. She has spent her life educating herself on the best ways to heal the physical body and attend to mental and emotional suffering.
“People need this kind of work,” said Schlotzhauer. “The mindfulness and meditation piece. A lot of people don’t have the tools to tend to those events that happen in life. What to do with unexpected events. What I get to do and love to do is guide people through this. Meditation is so needed in our world now more than ever.”
Schlotzhauer is excited to be a new member of the Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce and wants to roll up her sleeves and be involved. Says Schlotzhauer, “I want to build my business and I am starting to branch out in areas. I want to be involved i
n some way [in the Chamber]. I want to meet new clients and meet new people. I wanted something new.”
As to moving from Cherry Creek North to Glendale, Schlotzhauer is happy to be in the village. “I love this area,” said Schlotzhauer. “I wanted to make it easy for my clients who live near here [Glendale]. I like Glendale. I call it my little bubble.”
Health+Harmony’s mission is to inspire others to finally live the life that they desire. To support and guide them in feeling hope, peace, and empowerment.
Health+Harmony is also available to conduct mini workshops or series for small businesses supporting the staff in being mindful in the workplace. Schlotzhauer says this has resulted in greater morality and productivity.
Health+Harmony has two events coming up:
1) FREE virtual meditation and lecture Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., RSVP 720-218-9064 or email:
2) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) virtual 8-week series. Starts January 25, 2022, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., RSVP 720-218-9064 or email: lori@healthandharmony
For more information or to schedule a free consultation, visit Health+Harmony is located at 950 S. Cherry Street, Suite 217 in Glendale.