Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce

Nutritious U Rocks!

Nutricious U LogoLauren Shrensky is a long time Chamber member, Chamber Ambassador, and owner of Nutritious U. Her company makes delicious nutrition bars that are vegetarian, gluten-free, wheat free and unbelievably tasty!

With her passion for baking and a desire to create healthy snacks for her family and friends without packing on the pounds, Shrensky started Nutritious U in her home kitchen. “Before I knew it,” she says, ” family, friends, friends of friends, and health food stores were asking for products.”

15 local vendors later, Nutritious U has outgrown the family kitchen and has taken up residence in their own commercial kitchen. As Shrensky points out, there are a lot of energy bars on the market. Her bars are unique because they come in packages of two ready to be enjoyed right before and after a work out, as a morning or afternoon pick me up or you can even share one. That is if you can bare to part with one!

They are gluten, wheat, soy, and GMO free but exclaims Shrensky, “Don’t hold that against us, they still taste amazing!” Not only do they taste great but the square shaped bars are conveniently packaged for athletes and fit nicely in your back jersey pocket.

Lauren Shrensky

Customers like Olivia Kunevicius and Chrisite Taylor love the bars and describe them as “incredible”, “tasty”, and overall outstanding!

Nutritious U is involved with the Youth Rugby Foundation in Glendale and will be participating in the Play with Youth Foundation this month at Holy Family High School in Broomfield. You can also visit Nutritious U at the Gluten Free Food Fair August 17th at the Denver Merchandise Mart.

Shrensky’s passion for her business met with great support from the Greater Glendale Chamber. “The Glendale Chamber was a huge help as I started Nutritious U. Jerry Peters played an integral part when he mentioned making a bar that he could keep at his desk.” She adds, “As the company grew, many Chamber members played a large role and I couldn’t have done it without their guidance and support.”

Information about the products and how you can get your hands on these delicious bars can be found on the Nutritious U website at

NU Ribbon Cutting with Glendale Mayor Mike Dunafon, Lauren Shrensky, Glendale Raptors, Chamber Ambassadors and Board Members.


source material courtesy of The Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle


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