All-inclusive: Membership to Tru Fit Athletic Clubs includes group fitness classes such as cycling.
There are many fitness choices out there and for a low cost but Tru Fit believes they are the best choice for what is included. “A strong separating factor is every club today will have similar equipment, advertising, and value propositions,” said Danny De La Rosa, Managing Partner of Tru Fit Athletic Clubs. “To me the separating factor is the fitness experience. What you are receiving around education, safety, support, and graduation. Each one is important.”
As a former executive with 24 Hour Fitness and having been in the business since the early ’80s, De La Rosa knows the industry as well as anyone. He has been part of a national brand and now with Tru Fit, he is focused on a different model. “Our major message is while we are not a national brand, we really invite people to learn about the Tru Fit team experience and how we can support their fitness objectives in a very respectable, safe, and professional way,” said De La Rosa.
De La Rosa understands the importance of connecting with the community when the advertising budget is a fraction of what he once enjoyed at other clubs. “We are not a large corporate brand that possesses a huge advertising budget,” said De La Rosa. “What we really need to do is integrate with chambers to make sure that people get to meet us naturally and on their own terms and understand who we are.”
And De La Rosa recognizes that the Glendale Chamber is one of the best at connecting business to the community. “For a small company starting up, when you look at the ways you get to introduce yourself to the community, your program is one of the best,” said De La Rosa. “Because it is local and aligned with the same community objectives that we all have and I think in order to really get out and create relationships, we need you guys.”
Tru Fit Athletic Clubs offer an all-inclusive experience that includes towel service, group fitness classes, and validated parking at the adjoining Alexan Cherry Creek Apartments. Many who travel through Cherry Creek North know how important free and accessible parking is. The group fitness classes and training classes are an important aspect of how Tru Fit distances itself from the competition. “Our trainers are extr
Validated Parking: Tru Fit Athletic Clubs have five locations in Colorado. The location closest to Glendale is located at 3300 East 1st Ave. in Cherry Creek North. Tru Fit validates parking for its members if they park at the Alexan Cherry Creek Apartments.aordinarily talented,” said De La Rosa. “What you have here is a leadership group that is very seasoned and experienced.”
“Another thing we pride ourselves on is cleanliness,” said Tiffanie Trenck, Corporate Sales for Tru Fit Athletic Clubs. “We have made a lot of steps in the last few months for our clubs. Cleanliness is important to our members.”
The next 12 months, Tru Fit is focused on membership satisfaction. “When you are the new kid on the block, before you expand, you have to earn the right for more,” said De La Rosa. Membership goals are being met at each club but this team is committed to making sure that each member experience lives up to their expectations. It’s Tru Fit’s daily goal to earn and keep membership business by consistently providing elite programming, relevant dependable services, and customized athletic facilities.
Tru Fit Athletic Clubs and the Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce have partnered on a free gift to all Chronicle readers to experience this million dollar facility. For anyone mentioning this article, receive 10 days of free, hassle-free fitness that include free group x classes and a free personal training assessment. “We want to invite people in to give us a chance and experience it rather than us just talking about what it is,” said Trenck. “The local, the community, the friendly, the fun. Very similar to how the Chamber is different from other chambers. The Glendale Chamber really is unique.”
Tru Fit Cherry Creek is located at 3300 East 1st Ave. in Denver. Visit www.clubtrufit.com for more information.