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This has been a bear of a year, but the Denver Cherry Creek Rotary Club has not been hibernating. We have been feeding the hungry, giving hot meals to hospital personnel,
donating personal protective equipment to medical staff, volunteering at vaccination sites, and helping children to learn.

Bear Dance Country Club

We could not have accomplished these efforts without your support. The Golf Tournament is our major fundraiser and provides over 80% of our annual budget. We need your help, and we want you to reward yourself: play golf at one of Colorado’s most beautiful courses and help us to respond to the urgent needs of our community.

Date:  Tuesday, July 20, 8:00 a.m. start

Where:  Bear Dance Country Club, Larkspur, CO

Format:  4-person scramble, shotgun start

Price:  $200/person, includes cart, range balls, breakfast burrito, box lunch

Click here for registration and sponsorship opportunities.

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