Emily Caldwell has been in the auto industry for 20 years and with Sonic Automotive since 2011. Prior to becoming the General Manager of Mercedes Benz of Denver in March 2023, Caldwell worked at Mountain States Toyota, the highest volume 

General Manager: Emily Caldwell has been the General Manager of Mercedes Benz of Denver since March, 2023.

dealership in Colorado. They sell between 700 and 800 cars per month.

Caldwell is tasked with changing the culture at the dealership and in the last year and a half, she has done just that. “Everybody was working independently when I got here,” said Caldwell. “There was no cross departmental comradery or teamwork. Everybod

y had a different goal and measure of success.”

When Caldwell arrived last year, sh

Family: Emily Caldwell and her husband Jarrett are proud parents to their 9-year-old daughter Piper and 5-year-old son, Cash. They were among the attendees at the VIP fireworks party that the Chamber hosted in July.

e looked at what was important to the manu­facturer and Sonic Automotive, who owns Mercedes Benz of Denver. Sonic wants their dealerships to be the best place to work and shop. The Mercedes brand, according to Sonic, should be the best of the best in service, sales, and guest experience.

Caldwell has helped implement policies and procedures that have quickly turned the store around. “Everybody feels good when they arrive to work,” said Caldwell. “We are having fun and that translates to all of the guests and the experiences that they have. There is a certain sound when the store is doing well. You can walk out to the showroom and there is a buzz. We have to get our name out there and just live up to the experience we are promising to give which is a superior guest experience.”

That guest experience starts with the greeting when you walk in the door. Caldwell likens it to inviting people into your home and offering them a beverage and making sure they are taken care of. She wants everyone who walks in to be greeted with a welcoming smile and hospitality.

Caldwell is not afraid to roll up her sleeves either. “One of the first weekends that I was here, I went and got paint, rollers, and my husband, and we pressure washed and painted tow lines,” said Caldwell. “It started my relationship off at the store with something that took a full day of my time and attention and my hard work which was a really good indication of what the next few months and years of my career here will look like. I’m not afraid to do things other GMs haven’t done before. Not just this store but other GMs in the automotive industry.”

Caldwell wants to create a stor

e that is a big family. If the employees are comfortable at the dealership, Caldwell feels the guests will feel comfortable. “Some days, I feel I have my full stamp on it [culture],” said Caldwell. “Other days I feel like there is more work to be done. Sales is a fluid business. Other stores in Colorado have had to pivot greatly based on the decision we have made here in the last 12 months. But, curveballs such as manufacture issues happen and it tests your leadership skills and whether you will get your store and team through a difficult per

Showroom: The buzz in the showroom is an important indicator on how successful a dealership is. Mercedes Benz of Denver has one of the most beautiful showrooms in the valley.


Caldwell appreciates the opportunities and support the Chamber provides. “It’s nice to have a community of business owners that you can reach out to and network with,” said Caldwell. “If we didn’t, what kind of community is that to be established in in the first place? It’s hollow. I like the richness in the community of Glendale. To me, it’s very important that I recognize how important the Chamber of Commerce is for Glendale.”

Mercedes Benz of Denver is l

ocated at 940 South Colorado Blvd in Glendale. For more information and for an up to date list of their inventory, visit www.mercedesbenzofdenver.com.