Terral Turtle’s story began in Aspen, Colorado, over three decades ago. Their unique turtles began to develop a reputation, and at the urging of those early gift recipients, Terral Turtles was launched. Susan Terral started baking chocolate turtles as a hobby in 1985. Friends persuaded her to go into business after she gave them all away to friends and family.
In August 2018, Susan Terral launched Terral Turtles with her son Matt and his wife Samantha. Matt recently graduated with an economics degree from UCLA and he was able to launch the website which includes ecommerce, the social media platform, and he snapped all of the photos for promotion. Samantha helped design the packaging and the family business was underway.
The recipe includes soft caramel which cooks for four hours and pecans which are then individually hand-dipped in premium chocolate. “It’s an artisan handmade product that we think so strongly of and we try to use the best ingredients that are not artificial with additives,” said Susan Terral.
“We’ve realized there isn’t anyone making artisanal turtles and we’ve sampled most of them and we think the quality of ours is still the best,” said Matt.
The product has a long shelf life, so Terral Turtles is hoping to capture the market of being at the cash register at ski resorts, checkout lanes of grocery stores, and more. They are exploring every opportunity, and are doing well with orders for companies wanting to give their employees a unique small gift.
The small boxes are sold for $7 and the larger boxes for $20 which makes for a perfect holiday gift for friends, family, or co-workers. The Chamber is also a vehicle that Terral Turtles admits has paid dividends immediately. “I love the Chamber,” said Susan. “I think they are so proactive about everything. I think Jeff is wonderful and I think the whole thing interacts so well with the members trying to help each other.”
For more information, visit www.terralturtles.com or follow them on Instagram at terralturtles. This holiday season, consider Terral Turtles as a unique, handmade gift for your loved ones.
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