Now Open: Shoppers can find wonderful treasures at Assistance League Denver’s Thrift Shop, reopening at its new location at 6265 E. Evans Avenue in Denver.
Assistance League Denver is excited to be re-opening its popular Thrift Shop in the brand-new location at 6265 E. Evans Avenue, Suite 15 in Denver. Assistance League Denver members encourage the public to check out all the treasures you can find at the new shop. They have many estate items, clothing for both men and women, shoes, handbags, great jewelry, household items and furniture just to name a few. Spokeswoman Cindy Crane says, “Our store is newly stocked with these items and you will be amazed at what you will find.”
The Thrift Shop is staffed with very friendly and knowledgeable people who are there to help in any way. One of those helpers rediscovered her stepbrother after 18 years. The young woman was helping the Assistance League Denver Thrift Shop move to the new building when, lo and behold her long-lost stepbrother walked in the front door of the Thrift Shop as an employee of the moving company. The brother and sister had lost touch with each other because of no cell phones and many address changes. They were thrilled at the exciting surprise of seeing each other and plan to catch up immediately. Crane says, “The reunion adds to the good feelings of an accomplished move for Assistance League Denver.” She adds, “You never know who you’ll run into at Thrift.”
The numerous programs operated by Assistance League Denver such as Hospital Equipment Lending Program (H.E.L.P.), Operation School Bell, Assault Survivor Kits and others depend on the Thrift Shop as the central fundraiser.
The new hours are Monday through Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. They ask folks to please consider donating gently used items which may be dropped off at the new location during business hours.
For more information visit assistanceleague.org/denver or call 303-322-5205.
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